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Indexing conveyor

Module conveyor MBF-P 55/120
or MBF-P 80/120

Thanks to the integrated tabs, the systems can also be used horizontally all the way around! Also ideally suited for vertical tasks (lifting, lowering).

With 2 or 4 deflections, you have many design options!

Technical data

Different weights and lever arm ratios can be realized with the different variants.
By selecting the module size -55 / -80 and the number of lanes (chain width), we can design the optimum solution for you.

  • Belt width: 160 mm
  • Belt length: 485 mm to 15,000 mm
  • Total load: up to 25 kg per component holder and approx. 700 kg total load
  • Speed: up to 20 m/min
  • Drive variants: without / direct / indirect drive
  • Accessories such as stands, structural component holders,… on request

Pictures and video

MBF-P 55/120 1Sp as KLT circulation

MBF-P 80/120 3Sp lowering lift

MBP-P 80/120 carousel

MBF-P 80/120 3Sp for approx. 500 kg load

MBF-P 55/120-4U

ErgoTek Innovations – MBF-P 80/120 3SP lowering lift

MBF-P-55/120 – Version L4600, H760, W280


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