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Modular belt conveyor

Module conveyor MBF-P 80/120

Flexibly adaptable to requirements and with versatile mounting options.

A real all-rounder!

Modular chain conveyor MBF-P 80/120

Like its little brother MBF-P 55/120, the ErgoTek MBF-P 80/120 modular conveyor is an all-rounder in conveyor technology that can be flexibly adapted to your requirements, but is designed for higher loads.

The MBF-P 80/120 can be operated in any installation position and the ErgoTek plastic modular chain ensures that the conveyor stays on track and your workpieces are transported reliably.

We also offer the right accessories for the MBF-P 80/120. Starting with the precisely fitting frame for your individual installation situation through to special KLTs or tool holders to optimize your production processes.

The drive can be adjusted for indexing operation, continuous operation or accumulation operation and can be easily integrated into your existing machine control system.

The ErgoTek plastic modular belt and all drive components used are:

  • Maintenance-free / free of lubricants
  • Intrinsically safe / stable
  • reversible / without chain bag
  • Flexible and robust, in all installation positions

Do you have special requirements in the food or pharmaceutical industry or need solutions for ESD-compliant transportation to protect your components from electrostatic influences?

We have solutions for your requirements!

Technical data (basic version)

ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandbreite ab 160 mm (1-spurig)
ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandlänge ab 600 mm
Gesamtbelastung:bis 1.500 kg
Geschwindigkeit:bis 40 m/min
Kettenmodule (n):26 Stück (in der kürzesten Ausführung)
Kettenmodul-Raster:40 mm (bzw. 80 mm)
Modulausführung:geschlossen / mit Gewinde / mit Gewinde und 2 Index-Bohrung
Werkzeugaufnahme:M10-Anschluss (im Kettenmodul-Raster 80 mm)
ErgoTek plastic modular chain conveyor MBF-P 80/120 1-lane

Basic version (1-lane)

Modular expansion options

ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandbreite in Schritten von 120 mm bis max. 3.760 mm erweiterbar
- mögliche Spurbreiten: 160 / 280 / 400 / 520 / ... / 3.760 mm
ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandlänge in Schritten von 40 mm bis 25.000 mm erweiterbar
(größere Längen auf Anfrage)
Antriebsvarianten:ohne Antrieb / Direkt- oder indirekter-Antrieb
Zubehör:Ständer, Bauteilaufnahmen,… auf Anfrage
ErgoTek plastic modular chain conveyor MBF-P 80/120 8-lane

Extended version (example 8-lane)

Extension to 4 deflections

ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandbreite 160 mm – Erweiterung auf Anfrage
ErgoTek Modulkette:Bandlänge 275 / 522,5 mm bis 5.000 / 12.000 mm erweiterbar
(größere Längen und Breiten auf Anfrage)
Kettenmodule (n):36 Stück (in der kürzesten Ausführung)
Antriebsvarianten:ohne Antrieb / indirekter Antrieb (innen oder außenliegend)
Zubehör:Ständer, Bauteilaufnahmen,… auf Anfrage
ErgoTek plastic modular chain conveyor MBF-P 80/120-4U 1-lane - 4 diverters

Extended version 4U (4 deflections)


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With our STEP data, we offer you the opportunity to integrate and test our products in your production application.
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You can access the download via the contact form below.
Further information can be found under CAD STEP data download.

Pictures and video

Circulating conveyor, 2-lane with 4-fold deflection

Hedgehog conveyor, 3-lane

3D STEP file MBF-P 80/120 1-lane

ErgoTek Innovations – MBF-P 80/120 3-lane lowering lift


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